Jan 13, 2008

Rock N Roll Marathon

Nicole came out to AZ to run the Rock N Roll PF Chang's Marathon and Candace and I went to cheer her on. Nicole ran the 18+ miles in 3hrs and 45min. Go Nicole!
These races always amaze me how many people actually race and how many actually follow their friends/family and cheer them on. The picture below is a little pre-run celebration at Salty's Senoritas.

Jan 12, 2008

RIP Issy

Well this is definitely not a dog year for us! I am sadly posting to inform everyone how important Parvo shots are for puppy's! Unfortunately, Issy our Australian Shepherd passed away from Parvo. It was a scary couple of days trying to figure out what was wrong and then a few stressful days of up and downs while she was at the vet getting treated. It started off when we noticed her acting weird and throwing up in her kennel at night. Tyler took her to the vet and since we had just taken her hiking he thought she had Guardia. We gave her medicine for that and when I got home that same night I could tell she wasn't her normal happy self. So I called the vet and explained she was very tired and wasn't eating and so we made a vet appointment the next day. Guardia medicine shouldn't make a dog extremely tired, if it has any reaction the vet said it should make her more hyper. So I put her in our master bath room and separated her from our other 2 dogs not knowing what was going on or if it was contagious. I spent that whole night on the bathroom floor trying to comfort her and trying to get her to drink and or eat. I was making everything from boiled chicken and rice to giving her some baby food. I think what I made for her was nicer then what I made for myself that day and she still wouldn't eat it! So after a long night I stayed home from work and took her to the vet appointment later that afternoon. As soon as I got their and gave her what I could of a stool sample, they tested her for Parvo and she was strongly positive and was immediately taken in the back and was hospitalize. Parvo can be a fatal virus and we were hoping she would recover since she was an older dog. Everyone I talked to said this years Parvo virus was nastier then before and it was just getting puppies anymore. Issy was almost 2 and got it so I hope this inspires others to get the Parvo vaccine if they haven't already. Issy was there for 3 days and didnt make it through the last night. Tyler and I got a phone call early the following morning with the sad news.
Issy was a great hiking companion for Tyler and was a great lap dog as well. Even though we only had her for a few short months she was a very loving caring dog. She would smile at you and play none stop. She loved playing with her balls and getting attention. She is still missed greatly and will be remembered forever!

Jan 1, 2008

Silver Dapple is now in business!

Its official!
I am now the official owner and president of Silver Dapple Jewelry! Website should be up soon!