Dec 28, 2012

Claire and Tyler’s Baby Shower….Decemeber 28, 2012 at the Lundring family gathering at the beach resort in Oxnard.

Twas 6 months before childbirth, when all through the house
Lots of creatures were stirring, perhaps even a mouse
A few dogs, cats, and chickens too
Were getting kind of worried and wondering what they would do
A new creature was coming, it was almost too scary to mention
Could it be that the new one would get all the attention?
They had heard of the news, it had been in the air
A baby was coming to Tyler and Claire
Soon all their ruckus and fun-loving clatter
Would all be replaced by the soft pitter-patter
Of little baby steps as the child grew older
Would the animals get forced out where the weather was colder?
Yes they knew something was up with Claire constantly snacking
She had no time to play fetch, for she was constantly napping
And Tyler was not hiking, like he so often did
Now he was inside, constructing baby’s crib
Yes, to the pets, life seemed to be getting all muddled
Would these be the last months any of them would get cuddled?
O, how the animals all whined, O how they all moped
Claire and Tyler both wondered, just how they would cope
So later that day when all were done eating
That gathered the pets all together for a family meeting
When everyone became quiet, with their feathers and fur
Claire and Tyler spoke up and said, “one thing is for sure”
There’s no need to be worried, anxious or scared
When the baby comes we’ll still know you’re there
For you’ve taught us so much, you’ve help us prepare
We’ll be better parents because we’ve learned how to care
We’ve looked after you and tended your every need
We’ve given you water, dog food, and chicken feed
We’ve listened to your cries when you gave us a warning
And told us you had to go potty in the wee hours of the morning
Your mewing, barking, and clucking have kept us awake
After that a crying baby will be a piece of cake!
We’ve been picking up chew toys and old fetching balls
Picking up after baby will seem like nothing at all
Remember the pillows you scratched that were made of fine silk?
We’ll have no problem not crying over a little spilled milk
So put aside all those worries that you’ve entertained
There’s no need for concern for you have got us well-trained
We’ve been like parents to you, and we can add in another one
This new life in our house will just add to the fun
A sigh of relief from the pets could be heard
They knew they could trust Claire and Tyler’s word
And that’s the end of the tale, everything is all right
Happy Baby Shower to all, and to all a good night!

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